The One Percent judge a member of the 47% percent.
The One Percent Manifesto (Tongue in Cheek)
I read with delight the article, ?I am a job creator: a manifesto for the entitled.? Steven Pearlstein has a talent for satire. The article was wonderful. The piece lampooned the bizarre beliefs of many of the one percenters, the guys who believe the 47% are a raggedy band of freeloaders who need some Ayn Randian discipline. These are my favorite paragraphs below but I really think you should read the whole article to get the flavor of the writing.
James Pilant
I am entitled to a healthy and well-educated workforce, a modern and efficient transportation system and protection for my person and property, just as I am entitled to demonize the government workers who provide them.
I am entitled to complain bitterly about taxes that are always too high, even when they are at record lows.
I am entitled to a judicial system that efficiently enforces contracts and legal obligations on customers, suppliers and employees but does not afford them the same right in return.
I am entitled to complain about the poor quality of service provided by government agencies even as I leave my own customers on hold for 35 minutes while repeatedly telling them how important their call is.
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