Thursday, October 18, 2012

Lawmakers seek Mass. pharmacy Justice Dept. probe

BOSTON (AP) ? Two members of Congress have asked the U.S. Department of Justice to investigate whether a specialty pharmacy linked to a nationwide meningitis outbreak violated any federal laws or regulations.

The number of illnesses associated with contaminated steroid shots distributed by New England Compounding Center climbed to 233 in 15 states, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention reported Tuesday. Fifteen people have died.

Criminal investigators from the Food and Drug Administration were at the Framingham company on Tuesday. FDA spokesman Steven Immergut said the investigators were there as part of a broad investigation by several state and federal agencies into the outbreak.

Company attorney Paul Cirel said it was "difficult to understand the purpose" of the FDA search. He said the company has made clear it would provide, and has provided, anything requested by investigators.

"We've been clear that warrants weren't needed; asking would have produced the same result," he said. "Nevertheless, we continue to offer our cooperation."

Boston U.S. Attorney Carmen Ortiz confirmed that her office is part of the investigation.

Rep. Edward Markey, D-Massachusetts, wrote in a letter to the Department of Justice that the list of products recalled by the company appears to include controlled substances that fall under the jurisdiction of the Drug Enforcement Agency.

The DEA requires pharmacies that sell or compound controlled substances to be registered with the agency, which NECC was not, Markey wrote. He added that the rules only allow pharmacies to sell controlled substances directly to patients with specific prescriptions unless the pharmacies register with the DEA as manufacturers or suppliers.

"This is a matter that I believe requires further investigation by the DEA to ensure that this facility, already believed to have broken Massachusetts state law, has not also skirted federal law related to controlled substances," said Markey, a member of the Energy and Commerce Committee in whose district the company is located.

Gov. Deval Patrick said last week that NECC might have misled regulators and done work beyond the scope of its state license. Federal and state investigators have said they have found fungus in more than 50 vials from the company, but they have not said whether they have pinpointed the source of the contamination.

In a recent letter to U.S. Attorney General Eric Holder, Sen. Richard Blumenthal, a Connecticut Democrat, also called for a criminal investigation of the company, its officers and employees, pointing to reports that NECC may have "flagrantly and blatantly violated" state and federal laws.

The Department of Justice had no immediate comment on the letters.

NECC, in a statement, did not directly respond to the legislators but said it was cooperating with ongoing probes by other agencies.

The CDC said Tuesday that 231 of the reported illnesses were cases of fungal meningitis linked to shots for back pain and two others were nonfatal joint infections.


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Earnings roundup: Halliburton, Abbott Labs

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American Rivers | The Clean Water Act Through the Generations ...

William Robert (Bob) Irvin, President
October?17,?2012 | Water Pollution

How has the Clean Water Act impacted your life??For those of us who were born before the Clean Water Act was passed into law in 1972, we interpret this law through the eyes of the Baby Boomers Generation.

Colorado River, Grand Canyon, AZ

Bob Irvin at the Colorado River in the?Grand Canyon, AZ

Growing up, I spent nearly every summer at my grandparents? small farm in the mountains of eastern Kentucky.?

My mother grew up on the same farm.? When she was a girl, Acup Creek, the small mountain creek that runs through the farm and is a tributary of the Kentucky River, was filled with crayfish and minnows and was an aquatic playground for Mom and her siblings and cousins.?

By the late 1960?s and early 1970?s, when I was a kid, Acup Creek was nearly dead, polluted by acid mine drainage from surrounding coal mines as well as raw sewage from inadequate sanitation facilities for the homes along the creek.? I remember feeling cheated that, because of this pollution, I couldn?t play in the creek as Mom had done.

With the advent of the Clean Water Act in 1972 and other federal environmental laws, Acup Creek began to be cleaned up.? The coal mines could no longer simply allow their toxic waste to flow into the creek. Modern water supply and sewer lines were installed in the area.? ?

As a result, Acup Creek is again alive with fish and other aquatic creatures.? And while no one in my family lives on the farm today, a part of me will always be there.? Consequently, it gives me great satisfaction to know that, as a result of the commitment we made as a nation 40 years ago to make our rivers and streams fishable and swimmable again, Acup Creek and rivers and streams across the country have been restored to health. ?

Moreover, if our parents and grandparents were wise enough to join in this commitment, surely we can be just as wise in maintaining and strengthening the commitment to clean, healthy rivers for generations to come.

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Comment Policy: Our goal is to provide a forum for sharing and interacting with others about issues that are affecting our rivers and our clean water. All comments offered in the spirit of civil conversation are welcome! Commercial spam, obscenity and other rude behavior are not, and will be removed.


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Wednesday, October 17, 2012

Brownsville Rivera Capitalizes On Porter Mistakes : Sports ...

Joe Bowling

Joe is a sports reporter and weekend sports anchor for Action 4 News.

Raiders 24, Cowboys 13

Read?more: Local, Sports, Brownsville Rivera Raiders, Brownsville Porter Cowboys, High School Football, Rio Grande Valley, Texas, High School BROWNSVILLE, TX -- Brownsville Rivera took advantages of turnovers by the Porter offense, and the Raiders fumble returns for touchdowns proved the difference in a win over the crosstown rival Cowboys.


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Accounting: The Most Basic Framework of Business

by admin on October 16, 2012

Accounting is one discipline of study that all people, regardless of job position, should have some knowledge of ? especially in the business world. ?Its concepts can be applied to just about all job specialties; from secretaries to executives. ?It is also vital that we gather an understanding of accounting for personal benefit. ?We use accounting in our daily lives. ?Accounting is the most basic framework of business and we are excited to share our most recent Daily Deal Builder training presentation with you. Ross owns Book Ease and they do an incredible job managing our books, setting up our business entities, as well as our accounting?

Grab a pen and paper as you?ll probably want to take some notes on this one. ?Excuse the cut off slides at the beginning. ?Once Ross takes over at about 5 minutes in, it becomes normal.

Marc D. Horne

Related posts:

  1. We are having a webinar with our Accountant. The Side of Business that No ONE Talks About!
  2. A New Business Model. The Daily Deal Aggregator Business Model Is Booming, But Is It Profitable?
  3. 8 Step Plan To Successfully Launch a Daily Deal Business


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Buy Google Play credit directly from the Google Play web store

Google Play credit It seems that Google has enabled an option in the web version of the Play Store that allows users to directly buy Google Play credit. If you're in the web version of the Play Store, scroll to the bottom and you'll see an option that reads "Buy Google Play Credit." You can purchase credit in increments of $5, $10, $15, $25 and $50 and it seems that you can only buy the credit for yourself thus far, so no gifting. No word yet on how many markets, if any, are supported outside the U.S., so if you are elsewhere and are seeing this option, let us know in the comments.

Source: Google Play Store; thanks to everyone who sent this in.


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Tuesday, October 16, 2012

Citigroup's margins rise, results beat expectations

(Reuters) - Citigroup Inc made more money from trading in the third quarter, and its lending profitability rose, surprising investors and lifting the bank's shares 4.5 percent.

Profit dropped after the third-largest U.S. bank wrote down the value of its retail brokerage business by $4.7 billion, but mortgage lending profit rose, and results overall were better than analysts on average had expected.

A key element of the report was the profitability of the bank's loans, excluding credit losses, which rose as the bank found ways to cut its funding costs.

JPMorgan Chase & Co and Wells Fargo & Co both posted shrinking loan profitability last week, raising concerns about how low interest rates could wallop bank profits for some time. On a conference call with investors, John Gerspach, Citigroup's chief financial officer, cautioned that the bank's lending margins may contract slightly next quarter.

The global economy is tough for the biggest banks, as demand for many types of loans is sluggish, regulation crimps profits in many investment banking businesses, and low rates weigh on lending profits.

The environment is another headwind for Chief Executive Vikram Pandit, who is trying to fix Citigroup after it required three government rescues during the financial crisis. Pandit is now retooling Citigroup to focus on commercial and investment banking, transaction processing, and retail banking for relatively wealthy customers globally.

The bank's Citi Holdings unit, which houses businesses and assets the bank sought to shed after the crisis, continues to weigh on the bank. Citi Holdings lost $3.56 billion in the latest quarter with the brokerage writedown, compared with a loss of $1.22 billion a year earlier. But the unit is also shrinking -- it had $171 billion of assets in the third quarter, compared with $191 billion in the second quarter and $582 billion in the middle of 2009.

Including the brokerage unit writedown Citigroup overall posted third-quarter net income of $468 million, or 15 cents a share compared with $3.77 billion, or $1.23 a share, a year earlier.

Adjusted earnings, excluding the writedown of $2.9 billion after taxes announced last month, and accounting gains and losses, was $3.27 billion, or $1.06 a share, beating analysts' average estimate by 10 cents, according to Thomson Reuters I/B/E/S.

The bank's net interest margin, a measure of profit on loans that excludes credit losses, rose to 2.86 percent from 2.83 percent in the same quarter last year and 2.81 percent in the second quarter.

Citigroup said profits from commercial and investment banking increased 67 percent in the third quarter on stronger revenue from fixed income and equity markets and lower expenses. Retail banking revenues in North America grew 35 percent, primarily reflecting higher mortgage revenues.

The higher mortgage revenues were the result of wider profit margins on mortgage loans Citigroup made and sold to investors, Gerspach said on a conference call with reporters. Mortgage originations declined 15 percent to $14.5 billion, but the bank expects mortgage refinancing to be strong into next year, executives said on a call with investors.

Results outside the United States were generally weaker, with income from its continuing international consumer banking business down 3 percent, and profits in transaction services provided to businesses and governments outside North America down by single-digit percentages. Some of the weaker numbers abroad were the result of changes in foreign exchange rates.

Citigroup shares have soared in recent months, rising 27 percent since the end of June and gaining nearly three times as much as the KBW Banks Index.

In September Citigroup agreed to sell its 49 percent interest in the brokerage to Morgan Stanley at a price that valued the unit at $13.5 billion. At the time, it said it would take a charge to reduce its carrying value for the asset by about 40 percent.

The joint venture was created in the financial crisis in 2009 as a way for Citigroup to shrink by transferring its Smith Barney brokerage assets to Morgan Stanley.

(Reporting by David Henry in New York; Editing by John Wallace and Tim Dobbyn)


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The Hazards of Being an Athletic Ape

With a single bad step as he ran untouched across a field this September, one of the best cornerbacks in the National Football League removed himself from the game for a whole season. New York Jets fans who saw Darrelle Revis?s left knee buckle under him that day may have pled with their televisions: not the ACL. But it was too late for Revis and his anterior cruciate ligament, which will undergo surgery this week.

Football fans are all too familiar with the ways in which a knee or ankle can fail a person. But athletes, like other humans, are simply doing the best that an ape running around on two legs can.

Before we lived and walked on the ground, our ancestors inhabited the tree branches. They didn?t look quite like chimpanzees or any other modern animal, but they were large apes built for climbing. They had big, grasping toes and extremely flexible feet and ankles. ?These things were just brilliantly adapted for living in the trees,? says Boston University anthropologist Jeremy DeSilva. He studies the evolution of ape and human locomotion by looking at both ancient fossils and modern-day animals in motion.

When our ancestors descended from the trees and began walking upright, they faced some major mechanical challenges. ?Being on two limbs is just a real problem,? DeSilva says. ?If you were taking shop class and your assignment was to build a chair, and you built a chair with two legs, you?d fail the class because it would fall over all the time.? Simply balancing an animal upright is a feat of evolutionary engineering?and that?s before the animal starts moving around.

To walk on two limbs, our ancestors had to make several modifications to the feet they?d inherited from tree-climbing apes. Flexible, grasping appendages with 26 individual bones had to become stable surfaces that we could push off of with each step. ?We?ve stiffened things up by patching these bones together with a bunch of ligaments that make up the arch,? DeSilva says. And muscles that were once used for grasping branches now support the foot?s arch. ?But boy,? he says, ?these are just a bunch of band-aids.?

Though these new two-legged bodies worked well enough to keep our lineage alive, bipedalism may not be the best idea evolution has ever had. ?If you look across the animal world,? DeSilva says, ?good ways of moving evolved multiple times.? Flight, for example, has evolved many times. So has a streamlined body in swimming animals. But striding on two legs evolved just once in mammals.

The only other animals that walk like we do are birds. And with a couple hundred million years to work on the problem, rather than the mere 5 million or so that we?ve had, birds have come up with what DeSilva thinks is a tidy solution: they?ve fused several bones together to create rigid, immobile feet.

In humans, DeSilva says, ?I find the foot to be incredibly problematic.? He thinks a lifetime of walking and running on feet held together by evolutionary band-aids is bound to lead to the kinds of problems people frequently experience: plantar fasciitis, collapsed arches, shin splints, Achilles pain.

What?s more, DeSilva says, ?We have evidence that these things are not just modern problems.? In the ancient hominins whose fossils he studies, there are many who suffered from the same injuries that plague us. There are broken ankles in individuals 1.9 and 3.4 million years old (both healed). There?s osteoarthritis in a creature that may have been Homo habilis. An Australopithecus has what looks like a compression fracture in its heel. Another individual sustained, and healed from, a severe high ankle sprain 1.8 million years ago.

Modern-day humans know a thing or two about twisted ankles. The most commonly sprained ligament in the whole human body is a tiny one in the ankle called the anterior talofibular ligament. What?s notable about this ligament, DeSilva says, is that none of our living ape relatives has it.

DeSilva?s opinion is that humans evolved this ligament to keep the ankle stable. An upright human is like a balanced stack of blocks, he says. Our ankle bones have flattened surfaces that sit on top of each other, unlike the curved and snugly fitted ankle bones of a chimp. When a human steps on an unexpected rock, this extra ligament in the ankle might be necessary to keep the whole stack of blocks from slipping off its foundation. We don?t dislocate a foot entirely when we trip on a curb?but we might be benched for a couple of months.

Like our ankles, our knees have wide, flattened surfaces that spread out the weight we?re carrying on two limbs instead of four. And they?re large, compared to our body size. ?The whole bed-of-nails idea is at work here,? DeSilva says. ?Human joints tend to be very puffy.? Structurally, though, our knees are similar to those of our climbing relatives; they have all the same components that a modern chimp?s knee does.

But chimps don?t ever land funny after a layup shot, or change direction too sharply while cutting upfield. That kind of sudden sideways motion is the knee?s downfall, and can rip or snap the ligaments that stabilize the joint.

The infamous ACL sits inside the front of the knee joint, holding the thigh bone in place on top of the shin bone. Its counterpart at the back of the knee is the posterior cruciate ligament. The MCL and LCL, or medial and lateral collateral ligaments, cradle the knee joint on either side and are especially vulnerable to sideways jarring. Too much twisting in the knee can tear the menisci, pads of cartilage tucked inside the knee socket.

Our knees have no problem with the normal folding and straightening of our legs. ?When you go too far out of range in the other directions, that?s when you get in trouble,? says Irene Davis.

Davis is a physical therapist and biomechanics researcher at the Spaulding National Running Center at Harvard University Medical School. Despite how often we suffer injuries, Davis says, ?I think we?re designed really well for both walking and running.?

Davis cites the theory, promoted by Harvard anthropologist Daniel Lieberman and others, that early humans evolved as so-called persistence hunters. Before they developed effective spears, the theory goes, our ancestors obtained meat by separating an animal from its herd and simply chasing it on foot until it couldn?t run any farther. Researchers point to various skeletal features and cooling mechanisms?and the fact that some people seem to enjoy it so much?as evidence that our species is built for long-distance running.

Of course, early humans would have done it without Reeboks on. In the clinic, Davis advocates what she calls a more natural style of running. She teaches people to land gently on the front of their foot with each step, as barefoot runners do, rather than hard on their heels as people with cushioned running shoes tend to.

Davis believes that wearing structured, arch-supporting shoes makes feet weak and lazy, and that this weakness leads to common foot injuries such as plantar fasciitis. Yet feet are largely ignored until they give us trouble. ?You don?t see people at the gym strengthening their feet,? she says, but you should. ?Strong feet are healthy feet.?

Despite what DeSilva sees as evolutionary patchwork, Davis thinks the human foot is ?just a fantastic structure.? Each time the foot hits the ground, it must be both flexible enough to absorb shock and adjust to uneven terrain and rigid enough to push off of again. Davis thinks the problems come when we don?t use our feet and legs as evolution intended.

When treating patients with overuse injuries, Davis teaches them to run with better mechanics so they avoid getting the same injury in the future. Runners receive feedback on their motion from tools such as accelerometers or mirrors, then practice carrying their bodies in better alignment.

Davis says people can also be taught to prevent future acute injuries such as ACL tears. Most ACL injuries are non-contact; as Darrelle Revis knows, one awkward step is all it takes. So there are programs that teach athletes to land their jumps more gently, or aim to strengthen stabilizing muscles around the knee to protect its ligaments. Though some people will still choose to put themselves in the paths of linebackers, they can at least learn ways to run and jump that put less strain on their vulnerable ligaments to start with.

Having recovered from recent injuries of his own, Jeremy DeSilva will be lacing up his minimalist Nike Free sneakers to run a marathon this weekend. Influenced by the research on barefoot running, he?s left cushioned sneakers behind and is now propelling himself more like his Australopithecus subjects did. ?I guess I take my work home with me,? he says.

Davis runs completely barefoot, though in the winter or when she needs more protection for her feet she?ll wear a minimal covering such as water shoes. She also rollerblades.

One sport Davis doesn?t enjoy is football. ?I don?t like watching the injuries,? she says. ?I see a big pile of people with someone underneath it and it just drives me crazy.?

Image: Cpl. Michelle M. Dickson


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China economic figures shore up global markets

LONDON (AP) ? A round of figures showing China's economy is in relatively good health helped buoy markets Monday, at the start of a week that could offer greater clarity on the economic fates of Greece and Spain.

Figures showing China's inflation rate fell to 1.9 percent in September from 2 percent the month before reinforced investor hopes for more stimulus for in the world's second-largest economy.

Because economic stimulus can stoke inflation, worries about price increases have limited hopes that the country's monetary authorities will do more to shore up growth. Figures showing a 9.9 percent increase in the country's exports in September also helped ease concerns that the economy was heading for a hard landing.

"Data from China released over the weekend portrays the economy in a somewhat better light," said Rebecca O'Keeffe, head of investment at Interactive Investor.

After a lackluster trading session in Asia, the news on China encouraged investors in Europe.

Germany's DAX was up 0.8 percent at 7,293 while the CAC-40 in France rose 1.3 percent at 9,434. The FTSE 100 index of leading British shares was 0.5 percent higher at 5,823.

Wall Street was poised for a solid opening, with both Dow futures and the broader S&P 500 futures up 0.4 percent.

How the U.S. actually opens could hinge on the next round of earnings reports, particularly from Citigroup. The U.S. corporate earnings reporting season really gathers pace this week, with around 40 percent of the Dow's constituent companies due to unveil their latest results.

Beyond U.S. earnings, investors will this week monitor developments in Europe's debt crisis. EU leaders are due to meet on Thursday and Friday, with Greece and Spain likely to share the spotlight.

Investors want clarity over whether the Greek government's latest package of spending cuts has convinced debt inspectors to approve the payout of the country's next batch of bailout cash. They also want an end to the uncertainty over whether Spain will tap a new bond-buying facility from the European Central Bank.

James Hughes, chief market analyst at Alpari, said the summit in Brussels "could be a turning point for the eurozone."

In the currency markets, the euro continued to find support despite the debt-related headwinds, trading flat at $1.2958.

Softbank Corp. confirmed after the Asian market close that it has reached a deal to buy 70 percent of U.S. wireless carrier Sprint Nextel Corp. for $20.1 billion. The deal has prompted some excitement as it will be the largest ever foreign acquisition by a Japanese company.

Japan's Nikkei 225 index rose 0.5 percent to close at 8,577.93, snapping a four-day losing streak. Hong Kong's Hang Seng rose less than 0.1 percent to 21,148.25. South Korea's Kospi fell 0.4 percent to 1,925.59.

However, mainland China's Shanghai Composite Index lost 0.3 percent to 2,098.70 and the smaller Shenzhen Composite Index lost 0.7 percent at 859.47.

Oil trading was fairly lackluster with the benchmark oil contract for November delivery down 29 cents to $91.57 per barrel in electronic trading on the New York Mercantile Exchange.


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Rocking at 50: Rolling Stones to tour again

LONDON (AP) ? You can't always get what you want ? but if your desire is to attend a Rolling Stones concert this might be your lucky day.

The legendary band said Monday it would return to the stage this year with four concerts in Britain and the United States. The shows will take place on Nov. 25 and 29 at London's O2 Arena, followed by gigs on Dec. 13 and 15 at the Prudential Center in Newark, New Jersey, just outside of New York.

The shows mark the first time in five years that the Stones have performed live, with Mick Jagger, Keith Richards, Charlie Watts and Ronnie Wood all coming together once more. The band said it was the "crowning glory" of celebrations marking its 50th anniversary of its first gig.

"Everybody loves a celebration, and London and New York are two good places to do it in!" Jagger said in a statement.

The Stones have sold more than 200 million records, with hits including "(I Can't Get No) Satisfaction," ''Street Fighting Man" and "You Can't Always Get What You Want."

But in recent years much of their income has come from touring. Their last global tour, "A Bigger Bang," earned more than $500 million between 2005 and 2007.

Their legions of fans will hear era-defining tracks such as "Gimme Shelter," ''Jumping Jack Flash," ''Tumbling Dice," ''It's Only Rock and Roll," plus a few surprises and other classics from GRRR!, the multiformat album coming out in November.

"GRRR!" is a greatest hits collection that includes two new songs "Doom and Gloom" and "One More Shot," recorded recently in Paris ? the first new recordings since the 2005 album "A Bigger Bang."

The band promises an all-new, custom-built set design, featuring the tongue and floppy lip logo, that will "reach out into the crowd." A wider tour is not planned, though the Dec. 15 performance will be available on pay per view.

The tour comes despite some famously testy times.

Richards and Jagger have been creative catalysts and sparring partners ? sentiments aggravated two years ago when Richards published his autobiography "Life."

They've nonetheless appeared amicably together during events that marked their 50th anniversary. A documentary about the band, "Crossfire Hurricane," premieres at the London Film Festival on Thursday.

In another milestone marking their five decades of music, the Museum of Modern Art in New York will host "The Rolling Stones: 50 Years on Film," a retrospective chronicling the band from the mid-1960s until today. This exhibition will be open Nov. 15.


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Monday, October 15, 2012

Character Discussion

Wonderland: The Deck

There is another tale to the story of wonderland. One that exists after Alice has left. The red queen has fallen, but a new evil arises as four kingdoms once lost come to live. Will the Creatures of Wonderland fight back? [ALOT more information inside.]


Game Masters:

This topic is an Out Of Character part of the roleplay, ?Wonderland: The Deck?. Anything posted here will also show up there.

Topic Tags:

Forum for completely Out of Character (OOC) discussion, based around whatever is happening In Character (IC). Discuss plans, storylines, and events; Recruit for your roleplaying game, or find a GM for your playergroup.
I'd like to use this thread to talk about characters; mainly needed characters, and playing two characters.

I want to start this roleplay, at the latest, by this weekend. I want to be able to start it as soon as possibly, but there are some characters that are needed for the roleplay and I want to see who all here is willing to play a second character.

So, I do need a White Rabbit, and the two other dealers. I'd also really prefer a Jaberwocky (humanoid with horns and wings.), though that right now, someone has offered to possibly play that character. And having a bandersnatch like character would also be really great. Those two characters are loyal to a side, and they are very important.

A caterpillar would be nice too, but it's not a huge part so therefore not needed as much. You don't have to be a lumpy insect; the last person to play it made it a male humanoid who was blue.

So, who here is willing to play a second character if we cannot find others in a few days?

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Tourism Review

Tourism Review
Business travel growth in the U.S. is expected to be low for the end of the year according to a recent report by the GBTA. Due to the economic turmoil currently in Europe, slow growth in China as well as the rate of employment in the U.S., business ...

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FREE List Builder ? The Viral Secret Review | Find New Articles at ...

I have been hearing alot about this new FREE service (The Viral Secret) that helps you build your email list.? I have come across a lot of list builders that really work like Viralurl and ListJoe.? Now The Viral Secret has popped up on the list building radar.? Is this list builder legit or is it just another service that claims to give you the world?

I joined The Viral Secret last week and I have to say that its not a bad product especially if you are a new beginner looking to builder your list for free.? In a weeks time I have generated about 70 leads to my list which is about 7 leads a day.? Not to bad for a free list building service.

The Viral Secret is a service created by Russell Brunson which I?m not a real big fan but I have purchased a couple of his products like The 12 Month Internet Millionaire and Do You Suck At Making Money?? The concept is very interesting but if you look at the big picture he helps his guru friends as well as himself build their list first.? If you want to sign up you have to accept joining 6 other lists of other marketers.? The good things is you are not required to stay on their lists so you can unsubscribe at any time.? I will warn you that there is an up sell of $ 97 that will be presented to you but it is not required.? The up sell can benefit you in the long run if you decide to purchase it.? They provide alot of list building training with other marketing methods added as well.

The Viral Secret set up process is very simple if you decide to join.? The only requirement is too purchase Aweber unless you already have the service.? There are video tutorials that walk you thru the entire process.? You will shown how to setup your autoresponder and how to setup your Aweber list.? You will learn how to create follow up messages in your autoresponderand you will also learn how to market to build your list.

In my opinion The Viral Secret is a great way to build a list for free.? I wouldn?t use it as my only list building resource but it gets the job done.? If you are a beginner then I would recommend using it for starters.? If you get in now you should benefit from it (especially if the 6 guru?s advertise it to their huge lists.)


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What happened to the offenses?

We?re 10 days into the 2012 postseason and the American League finalists can?t hit, the Nationals League contenders can?t get any starting pitching and none of the teams still playing seem to be any better than the ones that were eliminated.

Here are the hitting lines of the four teams still standing:

Detroit: .258/.299/.351, 3 HR, 20 RBI in 248 AB
New York: .205/.277/.326, 6 HR, 20 RBI in 258 AB

St. Louis: .249/.342/.438, 9 HR, 40 RBI in 233 AB
San Fran: .196/.270/.332, 5 HR, 20 RBI in 199 AB

If these were actual regular-season player lines, the Cardinals would be a fringe regular as a corner outfielder and the other three would be riding the pine. The Yankees have scored fewer runs in their seven games than the NLDS-losing Reds did in five games.

The AL contenders have combined for 198 hits and 239 strikeouts so far. Obviously, that?s not the norm. In the regular season, AL teams had 20 hits for every 17 strikeouts. In the postseason, it?s been 20 hits for every 24 strikeouts.

Overall, AL hitters are batting .218 and slugging .310 this postseason. To put that in perspective, Justin Verlander limited major league hitters to a .217 average and a .306 slugging percentage this season. So, essentially, every AL pitcher this month is Justin Verlander.

The NL, on the other hand, hasn?t had it so bad for offense. Not early in games anyway. What is odd is just how bad the starters are getting roughed up, especially with four of the league?s top five rotations represented. Going by ERA, the Nationals had the NL?s best rotation this year, followed by the Dodgers, Cardinals, Reds and Giants. And yet?

Cardinals starters: 2-2, 4.22 ERA
Reds starters: 1-2, 4.30 ERA
Nationals starters: 0-2, 5.25 ERA
Giants starters: 1-3, 6.49 ERA

Outside of Washington?s, the bullpens have been far more effective, which is fortunate since they?ve so often needed to cover five innings per game. The Cards? bullpen has a 1.80 ERA in 30 innings. The Giants are at 2.51 ERA in 28 2/3 innings.

So, what are we left with 10 days in? The AL?s best offensive team has a .650 OPS, a mark that would have rated the worst in the major leagues this season. NL starting pitchers are 4-8 with a 4.92 ERA, which is a worse ERA than every NL team besides the Rockies posted this year. And for all of the exciting games, it?s hard to argue that we?ve actually seen a great caliber of play from any of these teams this month. While there have been thrills and chills, it hasn?t exactly been a showcase.


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Stealth Survival: Knife Carry Options - Fixed Blade or Folder

Stealth Survival: Knife Carry Options - Fixed Blade or Folder skip to main | skip to sidebar

Knife Carry Options - Fixed Blade or Folder

When choosing the basic type of knife for your carry needs, it usually comes down to the choice of a basic folder or a fixed blade. Both types of knives have their advantages and disadvantages and your choice will most likely be decided based upon two main factors: your environment or the intended use of your knife. It is quite obvious that the need for a knife will be different depending upon your environment. In most urban environments, a folder will be a better choice for the majority of practical uses. The quality and dependability of many folders has increased to the point that many are solidly constructed and can function almost as well as a fixed blade knife. It will also be less likely to raise the level of concern by your neighbors or local LEO?s that could arise with the sudden appearance of a large fixed blade.? While the more serious outdoorsman or hunter will probably be better served by a good fixed blade, the average hiker or camper can probably survive most situations with a good quality folder. Many knife-makers even realize the advantages of both types of knives and are now offering combo units that allow for the carry of both a folder and a fixed blade in the same sheath. While easier to carry because of its compact nature, a folding knife, unlike a fixed blade, can also be harder to keep clean and be more susceptible to the effects of dirt and debris which could affect its functional qualities. The other area in which a fixed blade would also be more advantageous would be in a combat situation. This is a very specific use and generally wouldn?t be of concern to the average person that is not involved in a combat situation.

The Intended Use of Your Knife Most cutting chores of a routine nature can be safely and adequately fulfilled by a good quality folding knife. Most non-routine cutting chores will be more likely to require a decent fixed blade knife to get the job done. Obviously, a folding knife won?t be as efficient as splitting kindling as a fixed blade in an outdoors or wilderness environment. On the other hand, a large fixed blade probably won?t be necessary to open a bag of charcoal in an urban environment. While most people give little thought to a farmer carrying a machete, it will seriously upset your neighbors if you try carrying one around in an urban neighborhood. If you are apt to find yourself in a combat situation on a regular basis, you may want to consider a fixed blade as your main carry option. A fixed blade will generally be, but not always, easier to deploy in a defensive manner. The type of sheath that your fixed blade is carried in and the style of clothes you are wearing will affect the deployment of your blade. A folder will quite often require one to two additional steps before it can be effectively used in a combat situation. These two steps generally include the release of your folding blade and quite often a shift in your grip to obtain better control after removing it from your pocket. While the choice of whether to carry a folder or a fixed blade will be largely a matter of personal preference, it doesn?t hurt to consider the effects of your environment or the intended use of your knife before making that choice. Staying above the water line!



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Sunday, October 14, 2012

New Gmail Android update will at last provide pinch-to-zoom capabilities [video]


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Euro zone mulls new ways to cut Greek debt mountain

TOKYO (Reuters) - Euro zone officials are considering new ways to reduce Greece's huge debts because delays to reforms by Athens and continued recession have put the target of a debt to GDP ratio of 120 percent in 2020 out of reach, euro zone officials said.

A Greek debt sustainability analysis prepared by the International Monetary Fund, the European Central Bank and the European Commission in March forecast Greek debt would rise to 164 percent of GDP in 2013 from around 160 percent in 2012 under a baseline scenario assuming the Greek economy would stop contracting next year.

But Greece now expects its economy to shrink by 3.8 percent in 2013, its sixth consecutive year of contraction, boosting its debt ratio to 179.3 percent.

"At the moment it looks like Greece's debt level will rise to well above the target of 120 percent of GDP by 2020," ECB Executive Board member Joerg Asmussen told the Sueddeutsche Zeitung newspaper.

To bring it back towards the desired level in 2020, Greece could organize voluntary buy-backs of its bonds, he said.

The money could not come from the ECB, but it could be lent by the European Stability Mechanism, for example, one senior euro zone official, who was in Tokyo for the weekend meetings of the International Monetary Fund and World Bank, said.

Because Greek bonds trade at very deep discounts, one euro of money borrowed from the ESM, the euro zone's permanent bailout fund, could reduce Greek debt by 1.5 euros, the official said.

A second euro zone official said that while borrowing from the ESM would in itself increase Greek debt, there was another way to reduce it.

"What could change the overall level of debt is that, at some later stage, when banks can be directly recapitalized by the ESM, we could convert some of the euro zone loans for bank recapitalization into equity and this could help the debt ratio, but this is not going to happen before the end of next year," the second official said.

The euro zone's temporary bailout fund, the European Financial Stability Facility, has already lent Greece 25 billion euros to recapitalize banks, and 23 billion more is awaiting disbursement.

The 48 billion euros would be a sizeable chunk of Greece's total debt, currently estimated at around 330 billion euros.

Greek government spokesman Simos Kedikoglou said several options were on the table. "The ECB, which holds Greek government bonds, could satisfy itself with lower interest rates on those bonds," he told the Sunday edition of the Greek Realnews newspaper.

"Or, it could agree to roll them over when these bonds mature. Also, the recapitalization of Greek banks could take place directly through the ESM as is currently being considered for Spain."

Another ECB Executive Board member, Benoit Coeure, said the central bank would not consider rescheduling the Greek debt portfolio it held -- a suggestion repeatedly made by Athens.

The second euro zone official said Athens could also use proceeds from the privatization of state-owned assets to retire debt.

"The privatization process is finally kicking in, the structure is ready," the official said. "You could expect a few billion euros from privatization to buy back debt. This could happen relatively quickly."

The debt sustainability analysis from March estimated Greek privatization revenues by 2020 at 45 billion euros, with 12 billion coming in 2012-2014.

The IMF is pushing for euro zone governments to restructure the debt that Athens owes to them -- almost 53 billion euros lent under Greece's first bailout program and 14.4 billion already disbursed under a second bailout.

The euro zone could also further lower interest on the loans for the first program, which now stands at 150 basis points, or lengthen the loan maturities or increase the moratorium time when interest does not have to be serviced.

But officials said there was little appetite among euro zone countries for a restructuring of official sector loans to Greece.

To help Greece return to growth, the euro zone and the IMF are discussing giving Athens an extra two years to reach a primary surplus of 4.5 percent of GDP, pushing back the date to 2016.

Greece has said two extra years would cost 13 billion to 15 billion euros and officials said the euro zone realizes it will need to come up with the money.

But no decision on the financing has been reached yet.

(Reporting by Jan Strupczewski and Harry Papachristou in Athens; Editing by Tim Ahmann and Jason Webb)


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South Africa police and protesters clash near mine shaft

JOHANNESBURG (Reuters) - South African police fired tear gas and rubber bullets at protesters hurling petrol bombs after a march on an Anglo American Platinum mine turned violent overnight, the latest sign of festering labor unrest.

Africa's top economy is under increasing pressure to mend industrial relations. Almost 100,000 workers, mostly in mining, have launched often illegal and violent strikes since August, eroding investor confidence and already shaky growth.

Truck drivers signed a wage deal on Friday ending a three-week strike that squeezed deliveries of fuel, cash and consumer goods. But that step forward was quickly overshadowed by a Standard & Poor's downgrade of South Africa's credit rating.

About 1,000 protesters gathered on Friday night in a shanty town near Rustenburg 120 km (70 miles) northwest of Johannesburg and marched toward Amplats' Khomanani 1 shaft, the South African Police Service said in a statement.

"Tear gas and rubber bullet rounds were used to disband the overzealous group," it said.

The crowd responded with petrol bombs, damaging one police vehicle, police said. There were no reports of injuries and four people were arrested.

Amplats, as the company is known, is the world's top producer of platinum. Striking leaders from Amplats and other mines met on Saturday to discuss strategy.

"All of the mines that you know are striking, their (strike) leaders are here," labor leader Evans Ramokga told Reuters. "Right now we are talking about the way forward... We are not afraid of dismissals."

Amplats, which has said it is losing an average of 3,800 ounces of production for each day of the strike, has fired 12,000 wildcat strikers. Other mining firms have followed suit.

More than 50 people have been killed in labor-related unrest in the last two months, including 34 shot dead by police at Lonmin's Marikana platinum mine on August 16 in the deadliest security incident since the end of apartheid.


Hundreds of miners marched on the headquarters of Impala Platinum in Johannesburg on Saturday to deliver a list of demands to the company.

"We are here, we are at Impala," Lesiba Seshoka, a spokesman for the National Union of Mineworkers (NUM), told Reuters by telephone as miners cheered and chanted in the background.

Seshoka put the number of marchers at 2,000, but the company said it was close to 400. A spokesman for Implats said the union's demands were not wage-related and had to do with other contract issues.

Kumba Iron Ore, one of the world's major producers of the steel-making ingredient, said on Friday it would seek criminal charges against illegal strikers who refuse to stop their occupation of its Sishen mine.

The strikers have seized about 3.3 billion rand ($380 million) worth of heavy equipment, including 88 haul trucks and 13 pieces of other equipment, including bulldozers.

The weeks of strikes have undermined confidence in South Africa's economy and the government of President Jacob Zuma, which critics say has been slow to respond.

Ratings agency Standard & Poor's cut South Africa's credit rating by one notch on Friday to BBB with a negative outlook, saying the strikes and social tensions could reduce fiscal flexibility and damage growth.

Police on Friday arrested two men for the killing of a NUM branch secretary, which NUM's spokesman has said was done in "execution style". Two workers at different shafts of Lonmin's Marikana mine were arrested, local police spokesman Thulani Ngubane said.

The six-week strike at Lonmin in August and September erupted out of a turf war between the NUM and the more militant Association of Mineworkers and Construction Union (AMCU), which accuses the NUM of selling out workers. ($1 = 8.6259 South African rand)

(Additional by Lynette Ndabambi; Editing by Mark Heinrich)


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You're invited! Pizza party in Berkeley - 510 Families

Please join us at Caffe Venezia, a Berkeley family Italian restaurant for more than 30 years, for a free kid-friendly Make-Your-Own-Pizza party.

Between their lunch and dinner business hours, our gracious hosts will put out dough, sauce, cheese and toppings for kids to make pizza. They?ll bake them for us, and then you can go home with pizza in your box or sit with us and eat it as an afternoon snack.

This pizza-making activity is best for kids 3 and older, but no guest is too young because?. we?ll also have some babysitters provided by circulating to meet parents and help out with pizza making. So, even folks with young babies and toddlers are welcome to stop by and meet a couple of sitters face-to-face. If you like them, swap info for future date nights! (Related: What is UrbanSitter?)

Please reserve a FREE ?ticket? so that we know you?re coming.


Thanks so much to our sponsors for this event.


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