Recommendations in your LinkedIn profile can be a huge help in proving your value as an employee and helping your self-esteem in the job search mode, but they're pretty much useless if employers don't take the time to look you up. If you add one or two to your cover letter, it's a great way to make your case for the job based on your past success stories. Here's how: Start by Sending Recommendation Requests to Contacts in Your LinkedIn Pool of People
Use a Great Quote
(B)? Drop-in recommendation
In a perfect world, you'd add your quote(s) at the end of your letter, right before your closing paragraph.
Any person that has left a recommendation on your public LinkedIn profile acknowledges that it's fair game to use in your letters, networking handbills, on business cards, etc.
How and When to Name-Drop in Your Cover Letter ~ ReduxEvery career pro says "It's not WHAT you know, but WHO you know." There's no real scientific proof of that concept, but cold, hard experience tells us they're right. If you know someone who works for a company you're applying to, don't be afraid to mention their name in your cover letter, but confirm with them that it is alright to do so first (you don?t want them to be surprised when asked about you).
Check these guidelines to being an effective name-dropper and make sure you are doing them:
- Confirm that your contact knows the hiring manager who will be reviewing cover letters and resumes.
- Make sure your contact is on good terms with the hiring manager and in good standing with the company.
- Make sure that your contact is good with being named.
- Give your contact a copy of your cover letter and resume so they know what you're saying about them and what you in fact are looking for.
Remember to spotlight a person in your cover letter and do it in the opening paragraph. Having the right contact within a company, one who can vouch for your character and work ethic, could jump you several steps ahead of your competition. As always, keep networking. The bigger your network the better your chance of having a helpful name to drop.
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