The magazine caught my eye ? it had bright colors and screaming headlines, plus beautiful Kate Beckinsale was on the cover. And then I realized it was about Women?s Health.
I work in Women?s Health. Daily I present, write, research and talk to women about health; specifically breast, cervical, colorectal and cardiovascular health.
I know health. I know illness. ?And the magazine cover below is not health. It?s a poor imitation and false representation of health.?
If we are to believe this magazine then health is about resizing our thighs; getting bikini-ready; having low-cal cocktails; getting gorgeous skin and hot, hotter, hottest sex.
Oh ? I forgot the most important ? ?scoring? a body like Kate Beckinsale.
Look back on previous issues and I?m told I can ?sculpt a butt that defies gravity?, melt fat and shrink my belly.
On what planet is this women?s health? In what universe? ?
At least a magazine like Cosmo is honest, you know exactly what you?re getting. But Women?s Health? This is not women?s health. This is a false depiction of health?spiced up with great graphics and loud promises.
In fairness, inside the magazine may be some valuable advice, but having to go through a misleading and inaccurate cover makes it not worth the trouble.
Health is physical, mental, spiritual and social well-being and has little to do with being bikini-ready or great cocktails. Health is knowing who you are and accepting that person. Health is preserving wellness and preventing illness. Health includes our values and knowledge, taking them into account throughout the life span. Health is knowing what diseases are specific to women, how they may manifest and what we can do about that. Health is about risk factors and screening to make sure we catch problems early when better outcomes are assured.
Health is sitting on the porch drinking healthy smoothies with your kids; laughing until your tummy aches; resting in the life that God has given you.
Health is knowing that our bodies won?t last forever no matter how nipped and tucked we make them; health is understanding that our souls last.
So next time you think about women?s health, think about the real thing, not the false image.
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