3789 Queen Anne Bridge Rd, Davidsonville, MD | Get?Directions??
The Delmarva Portuguese Water Dog Club will be hosting a fun, interactive day for Portugues Water Dogs and their owners!
Prepare and take the Canine Good Citizen (CGC) test
Prep class from 10-11am then testing from 12:45-2pm (additional $10 fee to take the test)
Learning basic and advanced PWD Grooming Techniques from Sarah Wooten. Basic grooming 11-12 Advanced grooming 1-2pm.
Members will be available throughout the day to work with individuals and answer specific questions.
We will also present an overview about Water Trails at 2:15 pm including Land Training for entry level, Junior and Apprentice Water Work.
Meet and greet other PWD enthusiasts for networking and tips. Bring your own lunch and your dog. Dogs must be leashed or crated at all times. Use your discretion when bringing children as it is not advisable to bring children under 12 years of age. Any children must be supervised at all times.
Drinks and desserts will be provided. Come for the whole day or any part that interests you.
Entry fee $15 for non-members, $10 for members.
email Louanntracy@yahoo.com for registration details.
Delmarva PWD Fun Day
April 27, 2013, 10:00 am?4:00 pm
3789 Queen Anne Bridge Rd, Davidsonville, MD
Source: http://annapolis.patch.com/events/delmarva-pwd-fun-day
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